Top Resource Authors 1.0.1

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Compatible XF Versions: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Additional Requirements: XenForo Resource Add-on

This will display users who most active authors with most resource count on forum list sidebar. There you can set the number of your resource starters that you would like to show in the sidebar.


Download Top Resource and unzip it

Upload the Eagle directory to your server, the correct location is library/Eagle

From your Admin Control Panel, go to the Install Add-on page

Upload the addon-TopResourceAuthors.xml file

Click the Install Add-on button

If you're using Widget Framework:

Admin -> Appearance -> Widget Framework -> Add Widget

Renderer: [Advanced] Template (without wrapper)

Template: top_resource_authors

Title: Top Resource Authors

Position: forum_list

Go to Template Modifications in Admin CP and disable Top Resource Authors template modification.


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